Have you ever wondered if you took your medications?

Most everyone has suffered from "pill panic," that moment when you can’t remember if you took your prescriptions. If you don't take your prescriptions as you should, your health can suffer.

Never again. Northside Pharmacies All My Meds packaging solutions easily reveal if you have taken your medications. The visual reminders help ensure you don't miss a dose and, therefore, can enjoy your best health.

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Who can use All My Meds

Anyone who takes more than one maintenance medication or pill multiple times a day.

Your choice

  • Blister pack or pouches at no additional cost.

How it works

  • The first package includes medication synchronization or getting meds filled at the same time so that all the medications you take are in a 28-day fill.
  • After the machine counts the pills and places them in the appropriate time of day slot, a camera captures an image for an automated visual inspection.
  • In addition, a Northside pharmacist takes multiple steps to review each package carefully.
  • Each month, the pharmacy calls patients before refilling the prescriptions and will contact the prescriber for refills when needed.
  • Blister packs and pouches are perforated, so tearing off a few days or an entire week is easy to do.

Ask your Northside pharmacist about All My Meds to get started.

It is health that is real wealth
and not pieces of gold and silver.

Mahatma Gandhi